Friday, August 5, 2011

More about yesterdays blood bath.

In this video you hear my wonderful girlfriend working the camera and commenting on whats going on inside my ravaged throat.

More about yesterdays blood bath.

Im happy to report that at over a week into my recovery I am starting to tell im actually recovering. Some things that are still bugging my are sore throats (but not nearly as bad as it once was), lack of sleep, the back of my tongue, and my left nostril seems to be being prevented from allowing me to move my nose around without any kind of problem (I have no idea why as of yet.).

So because things are going so well I think it might be interesting to look back on yesterdays horrible event.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Day 7 AKA The day of pancakes and blood!

Today really started out with a lot of promise and its to bad it did not live up to any of that promise at all. Today I did not wake up with a massive sore throat like I did the other day but I did get a lack of sleep just because of the less painful sore throat I had had all night but besides that I was feeling a lot better. I went about my day and thought that maybe it might be time to try some solid food for a change rather then the jello I had been eating for the past week. The pancakes were small but covered in butter and Vermont maple syrup because thats the only way to eat pancakes. I made sure to chew very well but I still had some issues swallowing the cream colored breakfast food. Some time later after I took more pain medication I started to gag and then threw up what looked to be pancakes covered in blood. It seemed as if my Scabs were cut by the soft yet deadly pancakes.

Between the hacking, gagging, and vomiting blood I can honestly say this was pretty much the worse pain I have had since the operation.  As I spit my life-force into the sink I couldn't help but have a mental debate if it was the pancakes that made this happen or maybe the pain pills cut something on the way down.

My doctor said that I should gargle a mix of water and peroxide and drink lots of ice water. Its funny because after all that happened today im not getting any pain from my throat.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Day six video

This is a video from day 6 of my post operation recovery. Today started out with me waking up very quickly with the worst pain I have ever felt in my throat. Now, I have had bad soar throats my whole life but today was the worst I have ever experienced. A few pain pills later and I calmed down and was able to go back to bed. I think that because I am breathing from my mouth at not rather then my nose (I also had a surgery to fix a deviated septum the same time as my tonsillectomy. I think that when I mouth breath at night it drys out the scabs where my tonsils used to be and causes some kind of irritation. 
You can see what might be a little blood in the back of my throat on the scabs. Am i worried? Not yet but if I continue to see blood and wake up in this kind of pain im going to be sure to call my doctor.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

This is the start

So if you stumbled here then my guess would be you have some interest in what happens after you get your tonsils removed. As of right now it has been one week since my tonsils were removed and because all I can feel most days is the crazy amounts of pain from the surgery I started to obsess over the scabs where my tonsils used to be. I have been taking pictures and videos on my Iphone that I plan on uploading here along with information about what its like after you get your tonsils removed.